Monday, November 15, 2010

Finding a Mantra

The days of chaos have calmed, somewhat, at least on the outside. I can still feel the turmoil but at least it's quiet now. My friends who were sojourning with me were looking for a mantra. Jung believed deeply in the power of the mantra its ability to cripple a man or empower him to do great things.

Jung writes:

the thing that catches him - not knowing that it is his mantra, the unconscious recognizes it however, or the mantra recognizes him
For Jung the mantra was absorbed  from the collective unconscious and was used to trigger emotional reactions.

However, in my dream practice I have found that the use of a mantra  to illicit lucid dreams is extremely effective. Furthering, deepening the practice of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who first publicized the practice of the mantra in tm. I encourage my students to discover their mantra, be it a word or even a sound, through a journey. There must be challenge in this journey; it must be fuelled by passion and grace. But when the mantra is discovered it is full of truth. Be strong.


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